Our Mission
1. To rescue animals in dire need
2. To provide quality veterinary care & rehabilitation
3. To stabilise the stray dog & cat population through spay/neutering programs
4. To eradicate rabies, creating a healthier environment for humans and animals
5. To provide education & adoption programmes
All The Latest From Animal SOS
Your Support Is Crucial
With no government funding the support of individuals is critical to us being able to save lives.
Donate by Direct Debit
If you live outside Sri Lanka:
Bank - Barclays Bank PLC
Account Name - Animal SOS Sri Lanka
Account Number - 10823767
Sort Code - 20-52-74
From within Sri Lanka:
Bank - Commercial Bank, Galle Fort Branch
Account Name - Animal SOS Lanka (Pvt) Limited
Account Number - 1050013061
International Balance Transfer
Bank - Barclays Bank PLC Loughton & Woodford Ilford Group
Account Number - 10823767
IBAN - GB87 BUKB 2052 7410 8237 67
Swift - BUKBGB22